Top 8 common Mistake for Canadian Immigration Visa Process

Canada is a favorite and one of the top most destination for Pakistanis who plan to migrate to foreign country to raise their living standards, and for a better employment opportunity. Pakistanis has been living in Canada for several generations.

This article is to help those Pakistanis who are planning to go to Canada, whether they are applying for permanent residence or for study visa or a work permit. Here we have highlighted common mistakes while applying for Canadian immigration.

Canadian Immigration is a lengthy process and contains many steps. The following common mistakes may delay your immigration process or it may cause disapproval.

1 – Signing the Application Forms

The most common mistake all applicants make is that they don’t sign where their sign is required, e.g. three signatures are required on a saingle page for additional family information. Applicants often sign once at the bottom of the page but the sign was required at three different areas of that single page.

Another mistake is that if you have not used translator then done sign on the translator spot.

Don’t sign the application while filling it. Just mark the spot with pencil and after completing the application form twice check all the pencil marks and then sign on the required areas. Recheck the entire form after signing again.

2 – Fee Payment Common Mistake

Different payment methods are allocated for each immigration stream e.g. If you pay the fee through bank draft for Right of Permanent Residence, your payment will be returned back to you because this fee must be paid online.

Make sure that you pay the correct amount, and through the right payment medium.

3 – Incorrect Photo Size

Details of size and specifications of photograph is given in IRCC instructions. Make sure you attach the photograph of correct size.

If you don’t fulfill instructions regarding your photograph, you might have to resubmit the application again with right size.

4 – Don’t Just Stick to IRCC Checklist for Documentation

Sometimes the listed documentation is not enough and you may have some other documents that may smoother your case and makes it faster.

5 – Misinformation

If you provide fake information, your case will be rejected or misinformation may lead to exclusion from Canada. At times Canadian considers incorrect errors as misrepresentation.

Secondly if you don’t want to provide any information demanded by IRCC, it is important to explain reason of missing information.

6 – Unreadable Handwriting

If you want to fill the application form by hand make sure you write it on a good readable writing. But filling the application form by hand is not recommended.

7 – Cover Letter

The cover letter explains main reason why your application should qualify for immigration. Cover letter makes it easy for Visa officer to review your application. At times if you don’t provide Cover Letter, it may results in delay of your visa process.

8 Don’t Wait for Criminal Record Checks

Immigration applications often wait to file the application for criminal record checks. If the application is for Criminal Rehabilitation or Temporary Resident Permit, Criminal record check is required for application process. Else one can submit the application and then after week or two s/he can submit criminal record checks.

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