How to Get a Job in America

Get a job in America and Build your Career

Finding A Job In America Is A Big Challenge For Everyone. The Reason Is That It Is Not Easy Enough To Find A Job In Such A Competitive Country. You Must Have The Availability Of A Job And Place Of Living As Well. So, Below Are The Complete Guidelines For You If You Are Finding A Job In America As A Foreigner.

Apply for the right job in America. 90% of the people fail because most of them apply without knowing about the job and its position. So, always apply for the right job. 

Search for Job

Firstly you should search for the jobs according to your qualifications and eligibility criteria. Different websites can be helpful for you to guide and apply for the job.

Apply for the Right Job

After searching for the job you must apply for the right job if you found on the website or any other source. Follow all of the applying guidelines.

Prepare Your Resume and Cover Letter

This is one of the most important steps for getting a job in America. You should always prepare your resume and CV according to the American style. Do not use any irrelevant data in the resume or CV. Mention the references if you have any in living America.

Offer an Interview o

Once you have been selected or find a satisfying answer from a company or place then the next step is to arrange a Skype interview or on any other app. Send a thank you letter after an interview.

Get Visa

You must prepare your visa after getting a satisfying answer from your boss. You will not be considered eligible for the job if you do not have a work visa in America. So, prepare for your visa. An ideal job visa depends upon your complete profile. Your profile must be completed including your name, age, citizenship, marital status, activity, your area of the industry, your area of interest, and your English spoken skills. 95% of the companies in America do not offer any job visa program to the employees because these companies are satisfied with their local employees. So, try to apply for a green card because you may get a permanent residency using a green card.

Knowing the Types of Job Visa

The next step is that you must know about the job visa America is providing. i.e

  • An H1B Visa is for those foreigners who want to apply for a specific job according to their field and area of interest.
  • L1 called Temporary Skilled Visa is for those who want to apply as a non-agricultural citizen.
  • Infra Company Transferees Visa is for those who already selected for the job. 

Employment-Based Visa is for those who have been selected by an employee in America.

Moving to America

After getting a visa, the next and the last step is to move to America. Find a suitable place to live and start your job there. 

Conclusion/ Summary

These are the steps/ guidelines to find a job in America. You may build your career by following these guidelines if you are a foreigner in search of job in America.

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